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README: Design Contest Forum Guidelines

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README: Design Contest Forum Guidelines Empty README: Design Contest Forum Guidelines

Post  Admin Sun Feb 03, 2008 7:38 pm

Design Contest Forum Guidelines

This particular forum is taken very seriously because it involves the direct exchanging of money and/or other prizes. For this reason an extra set of rules has been made. Please take the time to follow the rules found below in order for fairness to be present.

To begin, I'll say the most important thing first: every contest must have a winner. period. To hold a design contest here, a winner must be chosen from the submissions posted on this forum. The same rule applies even if you're holding it on multiple forums.

Upon creating a design contest, please always address:

* rules (color, size, required format, etc).
* time limit (start, end, etc).
* copyright (do all rights transfer when submitted or only for winner, etc).
* is the contest being held exclusively on this forum?
o if not, DO NOT POST IT HERE.
* a clearly stated prize
o money? gifts? giftcard?
o possible method of payment. paypal? money?

Our minimum contest prize here at WAF is: $20

Consequences? We don't like those at WAF because we expect every user to respect us since we respect you, which is why we suggest you reading and understanding this topic. If you don't understand feel free to contact any member of staff and they should help you on your way. If we discover the forum rules are not being followed correctly by a user, a possible removal of posting rights to the design contest forum will be in order.

Also, participants are encouraged to upload their entries as an attachment to their posts using the "Go Advanced" button. Participants should never be required to submit to a third party site. After contest close, users have the option to use the report post feature to request the removal of their entry, if desired.


Posts : 36
Join date : 2008-02-03
Location : Germany


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